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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Man Who Called "J.L."

From today we are gonna start to talk about my favorite legendary trader, Jesse L. Livermore and his trading systems. Jesse was famed for making and losing multi-million dollars and making his biggest fortunes by selling short during the stock market crashes in 1907 and 1929.

Time Magazine described him as the most fabulous living U.S. stock trader.His progress from office boy to Wall Street legend - his trading lessons - his triumphs and disasters - is probably the most fascinating of any of Wall Street's stories.Even today, many stock and commodity traders owe Jesse Livermore a deep debt of gratitude for sharing his experiences in Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.

You can learn everything about trading from him. He is your mirror to observe yourself ---- When you are confused with what you are doing, just think of him, you will know what should do and what should not.

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